Panoramic Shot of Trees on Landscape



The ability to not only overcome setbacks, but to also move forward

"Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”

-Steve Maraboli

pomegranate on a silver plate,  dark background

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders can be described as eating patterns that disrupt an individual's physical, emotional, and/or mental well-being. I use a compassion-focused approach while helping build awareness around unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. Society has normalized being at war with our food choices and bodies, but it doesn't have to be that way.


Grief is a natural process of dealing with significant and difficult change in our lives. It can be scary to seek help when dealing with grief, but the only way out is through. When working with individuals going through grief, I use an acceptance approach, finding a way to honor the past while moving forward into the future.



The word “addiction” comes from the Latin word “addicere”, which means enslaved by or bound to. Whether you're questioning if you should cut back, or struggling to stop using substances, the first step is reaching out for help. I use a person-centered approach while targeting changing maladaptive behaviors with evidence-based therapies including DBT and CBT.


Unprocessed trauma can be daunting, but reconnecting with your body and mind is integral to healing. If Unresolved trauma is negatively affecting your life, there is hope. Establishing safety and stability are prioritized to create a brave space to process past experiences more adaptively.

Blurred Motion of Woman with Her Hand Up and Reaching Towards the Camera


If you're questioning your worth or unsure of your ability to make decisions, there is hope. Self-esteem is an ever-evolving view of one's self. I work with individuals struggling with self-esteem using a combination of evidence-based and person-centered approaches. You are more than your thoughts, and there is help.

Other Issues

Life itself comes with its fair share of challenges. Adjusting to change and exploring our sense of self can be overwhelming and confusing. I have experience helping individuals struggling to adjust to new ways of life, as well as individuals exploring their sexuality.

About Me

Do you ever struggle with the question, "What do you do?" Me too. Hi! My name is Lauren, and I love getting to know people. I have a genuine interest in what makes us different and similar all at the same time. Before pursuing my degree in counseling from UAB, I pursued a career in acting. While exploring the film world, I was also teaching yoga full-time in the city of New Orleans. I have over 10,000 hours worth of teaching experience, and you can still find me on the mat teaching yoga classes here in Birmingham as well as on the occasional set in front of the camera. These paths only aided in the opportunity to get to know so many different individuals with different drives and passions. After overcoming my own struggles with the help of some fantastic therapists, it became clear that I wanted to pay it forward. Life has a way of unexpectedly kicking us in the gut while showing us how strong and resilient we can be.

I am a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and an Associate Licensed Counselor (ALC) in the state of Alabama under the supervision of Kristina Curry, LPC-S.

After almost 2 years at a state-run residential addiction facility, I began working with individuals struggling with eating disorders. Both populations taught me that underneath these behaviors is great pain that is waiting to be tended to. I have a compassion-focused, person-centered style. I enjoy helping others connect the dots and understand themselves a little bit better.


My rate is $100 for a 50-minute session. Payment is due at the time of the session. A superbill can be provided for individuals wishing to file for reimbursement with their insurance company. Please contact your insurance company directly to ensure out-of-network coverage.

I currently offer virtual sessions through a secure Zoom link.